
当谈到福克斯克罗夫特对他们生活和事业的影响时, our alumnae have a lot to say. 我们一直在问那些来女子寄宿高中的人,是否要做一个演讲, to enroll their daughters, or attend a special event — to share their thoughts. Here are a few of their responses:

Betsy Boyd, Class of 1992

 Commercial airline pilot (retired)
家乡: 肯塔基州列克星敦  目前国内: 亚特兰大,乔治亚州
Yale University (BA, 历史); FlightSafety International (Commercial Multi-engine pilot and Flight Instructor ratings)

我的经验: I was always good at academics, 但福克斯克罗夫特鼓励我参与,帮助我成长为一个全面发展的人. 小班授课,与老师和同学住在一起,让像我这样害羞的人无处可躲. 你最终会被你从未想过会尝试的事情所吸引,并喜欢上它们! 参与福克斯/猎犬的文化渗透到Foxcroft生活的方方面面, 你知道你总是得到你的社区和队友的支持吗.

底线: 我坚信,我对探索、失败和不断尝试的信心来自于我在福克斯克罗夫特的时光.

Molly Mosher, Class of 1977

Teacher of children with autism, Loudoun County Public Schools
家乡: 佛罗里达州棕榈滩  目前国内: 休谟,弗吉尼亚州
American University, BA, Elementary and Special Education; George Mason University, Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis

我的经验: During mini-term 一个 year, Mrs. 萨莉·尤勒(当时的学生生活主任)教了一门关于儿童发展的课. I loved it and became fascinated with child development. For my senior project, 我在儿童医院做志愿者,是第一个在烧伤科做志愿者的青少年, 我认为. The supervisor said, “This is really tough. This isn’t where you want to be.” 

底线: Teaching children with autism can be tough, but I love it. I love changing behaviors.

Traci L. Collins, Class of 1989

Director, Strategic Communications, Northrop Grumman
家乡沃伦顿,弗吉尼亚州  目前国内: 雷斯顿,弗吉尼亚州
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (BA, Criminology)

我的经验: 不过我相信我是带着相当的独立和自信来到福克斯克罗夫特的, my experiences at Foxcroft certainly bolstered those capabilities. 我学会了改进与人交谈的方式,以便更好地参与、挑战和学习. 我学会了承认其他观点,并找到共同点,以建立更紧密的联系. 与老师的密切互动加深了我对自己感兴趣和投入的领域的知识, and in areas that were more difficult for me to grasp. 

底线: 当你进入这个世界时,无论你选择什么样的人生道路,这些都是巨大的优势.

Rasha Elass, Class of 1987

War correspondent/independent journalist/writer
家乡: Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom  |  目前国内: 华盛顿特区
George Washington University (BBS, International Business); American University (MS, Finance); Columbia University (MS, 新闻)

经验: 福克斯克罗夫特培养我兴趣的主要方式之一是通过英语课, even as I struggled with my writing skills at the time. 在福克斯克罗夫特,学术真的推动我去思考和探索我自己的创造力. I will never forget sitting in English class, day in and day out, 并与老师和其他同学讨论我们被分配阅读的最新书籍. 正是在这个时候,我学会了关于自己最重要的一件事:我喜欢写作和阅读!

在特, I pursued my passion for writing as a hobby, but that quickly bled over into my profession. When I worked in the banking sector, 例如, 我成为了一名市场分析师,因此我以研究和撰写市场报告为生.

I cannot imagine my life, both professionally and in terms of personal interests, without writing at the center of it. 我要把福克斯克罗夫特的功劳归功于他让我认识了自己.

Alice Lane Lloyd, Class of 1997

老板 and Innkeeper, Bartlett Pear Inn
家乡:伊斯顿医学博士  目前国内: 伊斯顿博士
University of Maryland (BA, Sociology)

While I still remember some concrete lessons learned in classes, 我从平衡学校工作中学到的组织能力中得到了最大的指导, 额外的活动, 学习时间, 还有休闲时间. 我相信我是在福克斯克罗夫特学会了多任务处理,同时又对一切都能完成充满信心, and d一个 to the best of my ability.

底线: I had no idea what I wanted “to be” when I was at Foxcroft! Knowing who you are, what kind of person you want to be, what traits you bring to a job, 如何平衡你的工作和其他职责才是最重要的. Foxcroft is my foundational life experience.

Whitney Knapp Bowditch, Class of 1999

Visual Artist; Adjunct Art Instructor, Howard (MD) Community College
家乡: Upperville, VA  |  当前的城镇:弗吉尼亚州里士满
Education: Denison University (BFA); The Pennsylvania Academy of the 美术 (MFA)

我的经验: 主要是在我在福克斯克罗夫特的那段时间里,我发现了自己的优势,并被鼓励去追求它们. My classmates and I were inspired to dream big. All accomplishments were celebrated and setbacks felt temporary. 从来没有一种被限制的感觉——我们被引导去相信,只要我们下定决心,一切皆有可能. 这种哲学, paired with a supportive family, provided my framework for a career as a visual artist.

在我大三的时候,我的美术老师鼓励我考虑在大学阶段学习艺术. I 太k her suggestion seriously, 并在那年夏天在斯基德莫尔学院完成了为期六周的AP艺术课程. 大四期间,我在罗德岛州的一家画廊实习. 从那时起,我对自己的职业方向有了完全的信心.

福克斯克罗夫特给我最大的礼物是提供了一个培养我强烈自我意识的环境. 我很感激在我最易受影响的岁月里,全是女孩的环境给了我自信.

Jillian Cairns Rosile, Class of 2007

Software Engineer at Google
家乡弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊  目前国内:威斯敏斯特,CO .
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS in Mathematics

我的经验: 福克斯克罗夫特为我进入一个由男性主导的行业做好了充分准备. 我从来都不是 一个 girl who was interested in math and science in a sea of boys, 所以我学会了对自己的能力有信心,从不因为性别而质疑自己的能力. Once the ratio was flipped, I could keep that confidence and hold my own in an industry where, 经常, I am the only woman in the room.

我的导师把我介绍给一位同学的父亲,他是一位数学家和企业家. 几个月后,当他的公司有一个实习生的空缺时,他想起了我. 我在那里学到了很多东西,并建立了联系,为我将来的实习和工作打下了基础. 我在那次实习中学到的具体技术技能让我找到了大学毕业后的第一份工作, 太, which started me along the path to my current dream job at Google.

底线: I came to Foxcroft as a painfully shy, 害怕孩子, 到毕业时,我已经是俱乐部的领导,甚至还担任过学生会主席.

Sloane Coles, Class of 2007

老板 & Operator, Springledge LLC Farm; Grand Prix rider
家乡: 平原,弗吉尼亚州  |  目前国内: 平原,弗吉尼亚州
Drew University (BA, Sociology and business)

我的经验: Going into college I was ahead with my work ethic because of Foxcroft. 在寄宿学校的环境中,有机会更加独立,这对我来说很重要. 很多大学生在完成工作和按时交作业方面都有困难. That wasn’t a problem for me.

骑马给了我很大的帮助,因为我必须井然有序地完成所有事情. I was 经常 doing more — I wanted to get all A’s, 因为我离开了这么长一段时间,我想要得到老师们的尊重. [顶尖的大三学生, 斯隆参加了福克斯克罗夫特的特殊能力项目, spending the winter and other time off campus to train and compete.]

底线: Foxcroft definitely organizes you for college and life afterwards.
See our 隐私政策 for additional information.

An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.